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Keijiro Saku, MD, PhD, FACP, FACC, FAHA


Dean, Fukuoka University School of Medicine, Fukuoka, Japan

Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Cardiology, Fukuoka university School of Medicine

Professional Info


Dr. Keijiro Saku graduated from Fukuoka University School of Medicine in March 1978. Then, he worked as a resident physician at the Department of Internal Medicine, Fukuoka University Hospital. He took his fellowship at the University of Cincinnati (Ohio) in the Department of Internal Medicine (1981-1985). After returning back to Japan, he had been working at Fukuoka University (Dept. of Cardiology) as a staff, then in 2000 he became Professor and Chairman, Cardiology, Fukuoka University School of Medicine. More than four hundred of original papers were published in peer reviewed American or European journals. Atherosclerosis, lipid metabolism and General Cardiology are major fields. He is now an executive member of the Japanese Circulation Society, and Japanese College of Cardiology, and editor of Vascular Street, Associate Editor of Circulation J and J Cardiology. In 2013, he became a Dean of Fukuoka University School of Medicine. His activities are internationally well acknowledged and his scientific interests and contributions are tireless and boundless.

2010 - present

2010 - present

Tel & Fax


Tel: +81-92-801-1011

Fax: +81-92-865-2692

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