黃國巡 醫師
國防醫學院醫學系 副教授
三軍總醫院麻醉部 主治醫師

2010 - present
2010 - present
Brief Autobiography
My name is Go-shine Huang. I am graduate from National Defense Medical Center and major in anesthesiology, critical care, ACLS and education with simulation. From 1998 to 2001, I am a resident in Anesthesiology from Tri-Service General Hospital. From 2001 to 2002, I become chief Resident in Anesthesiology. From 2002 to Present, I am an attending Anesthesiologist and surgical Intensive Care Unit in Tri-Service General Hospital.
I like to share may experience especially tips to medical students, resident and other young colleges. I am a doctor, born to save people’s life. Knowledge is power then we make power in unity and blossom everywhere. It is says that my subordinate help me to saving people and spread knowledge.
Tel & Fax
Tel: +886(2)8792-7128